Medigap Plan N
Plan N is another Medicare Supplement that has been growing in popularity. It offers the same basic benefits as Plan F, but you agree to pay for some things that you wouldn’t pay on F.
Medigap Plan N Benefits
With Plan N, you’ll be responsible for the Part B deductible ($203 in 2021) and Part B excess charges. But this plan still has great coverage, including:
✔ Part A deductible
✔ First 3 pints of blood
✔ Medicare Part B coinsurance
✔ Part A hospice care coinsurance
✔ Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
✔ Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
✔ Foreign travel emergency — up to plan limits
Why Choose Plan N?
Many items in the hospital, along with other services, are covered by Plan N.
Also, Medigap Plan N usually has lower premiums than Plan G. If you prefer to pay a lower premium in exchange for accepting a small yearly deductible and some copayments, then consider Plan N. It’s your call!
When you need to compare plans, our team can help.
Plan N Costs
In addition to the Part B deductible, you’ll pay copays up to $20 for doctor appointments and a $50 copay for ER visits.
Those with Plan N also pay Medicare excess charges to some providers. Medical providers may charge 15% more than the Medicare-allowed amount — resulting in occasional small bills.
However, if your providers accept Medicare assignment, you don’t have to worry about excess charges.
Am I Eligible for Plan N?
If you have Original Medicare (Parts A and B), you’re eligible for Plan N. You also need to live in the plan’s service area.
When Should I Enroll?
It’s best to enroll in Plan N during your Medigap Open Enrollment Period. This six-month window begins with your Medicare Part B effective date and is your one opportunity to sign up — for any Medigap plan — without health underwriting. Insurance carriers CANNOT dismiss your application due to medical conditions.
However, if you’ve missed your Medigap open enrollment period, you may still apply for a Plan N policy. We can review the health questions on various carrier’s applications to see if you’re able to pass.
Get a Medicare Supplement Quote Today
Simple Retirement Benefits sells Medigap Plan N policies for many different insurance carriers.
If you’re not sure which supplement plan is right for you, get in touch with us. We’ll provide quotes for plans F, G, and N to help you decide. We look forward to assisting you!