Medigap Plan F
Medicare Supplement plan F is the most comprehensive Medigap plan. It covers both Medicare deductibles plus all copays and coinsurance — so you have no out-of-pocket costs.
You should know that Plan F is only available to people who became eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020.
Medigap Plan F Benefits
By definition, Plan F has the most benefits of any supplemental policy.
✔ Part A deductible
✔ Part B deductible
✔ First 3 pints of blood
✔ Part B excess charges
✔ Medicare Part B coinsurance
✔ Part A hospice care coinsurance
✔ Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
✔ Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
✔ Foreign travel emergency — up to plan limits
Thanks to these benefits, policyholders can have peace of mind when they undergo healthcare treatments. Plus, Plan F benefits will be the same no matter which company you buy from.
Why Choose Plan F?
Many people believe that Plan F is the best Medigap plan. Why? Because it’ll pay for all the gaps leftover by Original Medicare, meaning you have NO out of pocket at the doctor’s office. Remember these two words: comprehensive coverage.
Also, your coverage is guaranteed renewable, so your policy can’t be cancelled for health reasons. And no referrals required — you may see any Medicare specialist at any time.
Average Cost for Plan F
Plan F cost varies by many factors: your area, gender, zip code, and tobacco use. We find rates around $135 per month in many areas — for a female turning 65. But you should get quotes for Plan F in your area.
Most of the time, the cost for Plan F will be higher for males than females.
Am I Eligible for Plan F?
If you have Original Medicare (A and B), you’re eligible for Plan F. You also need to live in the plan’s service area.
When Should I Enroll?
It’s best to enroll in Plan F during your Medigap Open Enrollment Period. This six-month window begins with your Medicare Part B effective date and is your one opportunity to sign up — for any Medigap plan — without health underwriting. Insurers CANNOT reject your application due to medical conditions.
However, if you’ve missed your Medigap open enrollment period, you may still apply for a Plan F policy. We can examine the health questions on insurer’s applications to see if you’re able to pass.
Simple Retirement Benefits Can Help
If you’re looking to add a Medigap Plan F to your Original Medicare benefits, contact an agent at Simple Retirement Benefits. We can provide quotes for Plan F, G, or N so you can compare the value — and see which policy is right for you! Give us a call at 512-432-5414.