Medigap Plan G
Medigap Plan G has very similar coverage as Plan F. If you’re willing to pay a small deductible each year, this plan may be right for you.
If you became Medicare-eligible on or after January 1, 2020, Plan G is the most comprehensive supplement available to you. Recently, Plan G has been the second most popular Medigap plan.
Medigap Plan G Benefits
Plan G covers nearly everything that F does, minus the Medicare Part B deductible.
✔ Part A deductible
✔ First 3 pints of blood
✔ Part B excess charges
✔ Medicare Part B coinsurance
✔ Part A hospice care coinsurance
✔ Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
✔ Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
✔ Foreign travel emergency — up to plan limits
Why Choose Plan G?
Medicare Supplement Plan G is gaining popularity for many reasons. First, it offers great coverage. You’ll pay the Medicare Part B deductible once per calendar year — which is $257 in 2025. Besides that, Plan G helps pay for inpatient hospital costs (blood transfusions, skilled nursing, and hospice care) AND outpatient medical services (doctor visits, durable medical equipment, x-rays, and more).
Next, Plan G might be much cheaper than Plan F in your area. If this is the case, it makes sense to buy it. You could save several hundred dollars each year in premiums.
What Does Plan G Cost?
Your monthly premium will depend on your area, tobacco use, gender, and more. There’s no set cost. So, you should compare the plans in your state with a Medicare agent.
Am I Eligible for Plan G?
If you have Original Medicare (A and B), you’re eligible for Medigap Plan G. You also need to live in the plan’s service area.
When Should I Enroll?
It’s best to sign up for Plan G during your Medigap Open Enrollment Period. This six-month window begins with your Medicare Part B effective date and is your one shot to enroll — in any Medigap plan — without health underwriting. Insurers CANNOT deny your application because of medical conditions.
However, if you’ve missed your Medigap open enrollment period, you can still apply for a Plan G policy. We can look at the health questions on the insurer’s application to see if you’re able to pass.
Interested in Plan G? Contact Us
If you’re interested in Plan G, contact Simple Retirement Benefits. We can check rates for many Medigap companies, helping you find the lowest rates for Medigap Plan G in your area. The best part? If you enroll through us, it doesn’t cost you anything, AND you’ll get ongoing support from our agents, should you ever have an issue. Why wait? Call 512-432-5414 today!