If you receive benefits from the Social Security Administration or Railroad Retirement Board, you don’t need to apply for Medicare because you will automatically be enrolled for Original Medicare as you near your 65th birthday. You will receive your Medicare card and enrollment details in your mail about three months prior to your 65th birthday.
If you are not automatically enrolled for Medicare, you will need to apply for Medicare Part A and Part B. If you’d also like to enroll in Medicare Part D or switch to Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage), you can do this during your Initial Enrollment Period.
How to Apply for Original Medicare
As mentioned earlier, if you are already receiving Social Security or retirement benefits before turning 65, you will be automatically enrolled for Original Medicare on the first day of the month you turn 65. However, those who do not receive retirement benefits when they turn 65 will be required to sign up manually through the Social Security Administration.
This agency offers a checklist for Medicare applications that may be valuable. SSA lists the types of forms you need for the registration process, such as tax forms, W-2s, and proof of military service. Once you have all the information you need to apply for Original Medicare, you can start the process of enrolling. You can enroll for Medicare online, by phone, in person, or by mail.
How to Apply for Medicare Part C
Medicare-approved private health insurance companies provide Medicare Part C plans as alternatives to Medicare Part A and Part B. To get this part of Medicare, you must first sign up for Original Medicare. You can apply for Medicare Part C during your Initial Enrollment Period, Open Enrollment Period in the fall, and Special Enrollment Period. If you apply outside of these periods, you may pay a late enrollment fee.
How to Apply for Medicare Part D
This part of Medicare only offers coverage for prescription drugs. Like Medicare Part C, Medicare Part D is offered through Medicare-approved private health insurance companies, and you must first apply for Original Medicare before you can purchase Part D.
You can apply during your Initial Enrollment Period, Open Enrollment Period in the fall, or General Enrollment Period (when signing up for Medicare Part B for the first time). If you want to enroll in Part D, you can do it by phone, online, or contact a private health insurance company.
To learn more about applying for Medicare and when to enroll, contact Simple Retirement Benefits today!